Sunday, July 27, 2008

Quiet Please

...and another thing I was wondering lately,

I've been reading about someone who took part in a 40 day silent retreat in South America where she had gone to study Spanish...her teacher advised her to try telepathy.
I'm feeling a bit like that at the moment.
Reading other blogs is reassuring, fascinating and sometimes a bit creepy. Are you really out there? Are you for real or are you making it all up? Will I be just another one to add to your list,
just another stitch in the knitting?


SoAndSo said...

okay, i'll byte: what does "cicci il gatto" mean? something cat? fat cat?

And fascinating, creepy, uh-huh. but why is it reassuring?

NSL Training Support Team said...

Welcome to blogging cicci il gatto! You will become quite familiar with it as the programme progresses. It is reassuring to read other participants comments to see what they think of this experience and their triumphs and trials.
Most are for real although there definitely are some budding authors out there!

SoAndSo said...

cat butt? smoke the cat? catmeat? Frank the cat? chocolate gateau?